Paneer – One of the Best Dairy product’s Nutrition facts and health benefits

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Paneer is an Indian cheese with high nutritional value. It is rich in calcium and protein and helps in many body processes. It also prevents tooth decay. If your kids make a habit of eating paneer every day, they will not suffer from rotting. Paneer provides immediate health benefits and cheese can be used as an energy drink.

Therefore, paneer should be a part of your daily diet, especially if you are a vegetarian, as it fulfills the protein needs of the body. Paneer is a fresh cheese commonly found in South Asian cuisine, especially in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh. It is a non-melting, acid-set, non-aged cheese.

It can also be cheese curd made by heating milk and curdling it by adding lime juice, vinegar, and in some cases other food acids. The liquid version of Paneer which is colored is known as “chhena”. It is more popular in eastern India and Bangladesh

How to make paneer at home

The good news about Paneer is that you can make it yourself at home if you are looking for a fresh homemade cheese. Perhaps the best part about making Paneer at home is that the basic ingredients and ingredients are simple. You will have delicious Indian cheese in less than an hour. Here is a quick explanation on how to make paneer:

You cover your colander with two paper towels and place it in the sink. Next, bring 8 cups of whole milk to a gentle boil over medium heat while stirring. Once that happens, add your lemon juice and lower the heat. As you stir, the curd will begin to form! Remove from heat and pour the contents into your colander and rinse with cold water. Take the cloth in hand and remove the excess liquid. Then put it in your pipe to let the remaining liquid drain out.

After that, turn the ball well and put another plate on top of it and weigh it with a large pot to make sure the cheese is good. Put it in the fridge like this for about 20 minutes and enjoy!

Nutrition Facts of Paneer

Paneer is a good source of protein. For vegetarians, the protein in paneer has great nutritional value. Interestingly, the carbohydrates in paneer are healthy and good for diabetics.


However, there are many doubts about the calories of paneer. But paneer food facts assure us that the nutritional value of paneer is good and protein rich in paneer.

The protein in Paneer is a good substitute for meat. Vegetarians can include paneer as a side dish or as a main dish to get a paneer snack. Mixed with masala or eaten raw, paneer is an excellent choice as a source of vegetarian protein.

The secret behind paneer being a staple in every kitchen is its simplicity. Whether in the form of tikka, continental salad, or spicy sauce, the ingredients in paneer can taste any taste.

Health Advanatges

It is good for people with diabetes

This type of cheese is low in carbohydrates and high in protein, making it a good food for people with diabetes. One cup of paneer can give you 28g of protein, but it contains only 6g of carbohydrates. The energy will be released slowly, so you won’t get blood sugar spikes.

Rich in potassium

Paneer is a good source of potassium, which rehydrates our body. In addition, potassium also works as an important element that includes the nerve function of the brain and nerves, so it can prevent the loss of tissue. In addition, taking potassium regularly can help reduce the risk of suffering from a stroke, because potassium can lower blood pressure and reduce the clotting of blood vessels. In addition, potassium can also help reduce stress and anxiety.

Paneer is good for weight loss

If you are planning to lose extra fat from your body, then paneer is your power house food. It has good fats, low carbohydrates and high protein and reduces fat storage in our body because it contains fatty acids in the form of small chains. These chains are easy to digest, so paneer is good for weight loss. In addition, raw paneer benefits those who want to start a weight loss program and exercise plan. Uses of Paneer

Develop strong bones and teeth

Our teeth and bones are made of an important nutrient, namely calcium. Paneer is a great source of calcium and phosphorus which helps in making teeth, bones and gums strong and healthy. It also prevents chewing gum. The presence of high levels of vitamin D and calcium protects tooth enamel, prevents dental caries and maintains good dental health. Regular consumption of paneer prevents oral cavity.

Improve metabolism in the body

Another benefit of eating paneer is that it boosts your metabolism. This food is an immediate source of energy that keeps your body functioning properly. In this way, the consumption of paneer keeps your body in optimal working condition. Paneer is a protein-rich food rich in healthy polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats that help reduce weight in humans. It helps to control weight and reduce the risk of insulin resistance disease.

Prevents certain types of cancer

When you eat paneer regularly, it also helps you prevent the risk of cancer in the body. It contains useful minerals like potassium and selenium that keep your body healthy. It not only fights cancer, but also prevents cancer cells from growing in the body. The presence of anti-cancer drugs such as conjugated linoleic acid, sphingolipids, etc. helps prevent colon, breast, prostate and stomach cancer

Improves the immune system

If you want a healthy and strong immune system, start adding it to your daily diet. A boosted immune system protects you from a variety of viruses and infections. It is useful in the treatment of conditions such as cough, bronchitis, asthma, etc. It is useful for children and the elderly who have little restrictions on their bodies.

Some uses of paneer are as follows:

Paneer is a good choice for meat for a high protein diet.
The high protein and low carbohydrate content of Paneer makes it a perfect food for weight loss. Paneer can be used in salads, curries, vegetables and snacks.

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